


你寻求改善学生的生活吗? ESA证书(学校辅导)为你在学业上帮助P-12青少年做好准备, 社会, 和心理上. 该计划的概念框架是基于理论和研究. 获得一个发展的、系统的方法来促进学生的健康发展. 

通过独立课程或使用 医学博士在学校辅导 学位.



皇冠体育投注成立于125年前, the University has been preparing some of the most sought-after educators in the region for more than 90 years. 今天,进入教育学院的研究生课程竞争非常激烈. Faculty members – each teaching his or her own courses and each holding a doctorate – have worked to develop rigorous 项目 of quality.

的 教育学院 at 皇冠体育投注 offers more than a dozen graduate 项目. 你可以从三个博士项目中选择, 7个硕士学位项目, 还有五个认证项目, 所有这些都集中在能力的发展上, 字符, 领导, 以及教育工作者的服务. 而许多学生接受培训成为教师, 其他人则准备担任学校辅导员, 校长, 负责人, 民政事务处人员, 或者是高等教育的教授. SPU在华盛顿和全国的P-12教育中享有很高的声誉, students who complete our graduate 学位 and certificate 项目 enjoy a higher rate of employment than the state's average.


的 Educational Staff Associate (School Counseling) certificate can be earned in this stand-alone program or with the 医学博士在学校辅导 学位 and the conceptual framework of this program is based on theory and research that support a developmental, 以系统的方法促进学生健康发展.

  1. 完成教师

    专家,有爱心的教师有帮助学生成功的愿望. 教师以在他们的教育项目期间和之后指导他们的学生而闻名. 这些教授通过自己的学术活动为终身学习树立了榜样, 经常发布, 并在专业会议上发表演讲.

  2. CACREP认证

    医学博士在学校辅导和ESA认证课程是由CACREP认证的. 西雅图 Pacific is a member of the Association of American Colleges and Universities and of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. SPU certification 项目 are approved by the Washington state Professional Educator Standards Board. 的 教育学院 is also a member of the Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher Education, 有一章, 等于, Chi Sigma Iota, 一个国际荣誉协会,重视学术和专业卓越的咨询.

  3. 深刻的性格强调

    建立在品格教育的基础上, the graduate 项目 at SPU offer first-class education through the lens of Christian faith and values. 学生选修道德课程,品格问题贯穿整个课程.

  4. 灵活的格式

    专为在职专业人士设计,课程于晚上在校园内举行. 在项目的第二年和第三年, 学生参加暑期强化课程, 在八周的课程中,哪一组每周见面两到四天. 专业核心课程可以在校园内或在线学习.

  5. 联系校友

    教育学院 graduates move on to purposeful careers in schools and district-level 领导 throughout the country. 当你从SPU教育学院获得研究生学位时, 你加入了一个校友社区,他们保持着联系.





电子邮件: shannonj@roninshipping.net
电话: 206-281-2275
办公室: 彼得森楼403




就像学校心理咨询中的医学博士, the conceptual framework of the ESA (School Counseling) Certificate program at SPU is based on theory and research that support a developmental, 以系统的方法促进学生健康发展. 这个框架是建立在学校辅导员

  • 是积分 全面发展的教育方法,
  • 专注于 预防和发展战略;
  • 是否受到良好教育的引导 基于实证研究和最佳实践的干预措施;
  • 强调合作与协商 与其他学校人员和社区资源一起满足所有学生的需求,
  • 保持最高水平 专业和道德能力.


作为ESA(学校辅导)证书课程的学生, 你将完成与申请美国大学的学生相同的学术要求 医学博士在学校辅导,不包括基础和研究核心的12个学分. 这些要求包括:


  • EDCO 6107课程评估(3)
  • EDCO 6974质性研究(3)


  • 系统理论导论(2)
  • EDCO 6670学校辅导概论(4)
  • 辅导理论(3)
  • EDCO 6682积极心理学与学校灵性(3)
  • EDCO 6674学校辅导中的心理评估概论(3)
  • EDCO 6675学校辅导的法律及道德问题(3)
  • EDCO 6676复原力/风险评估与干预(3)
  • EDCO 6679学校就业辅导(3)
  • EDCO 6677学校多元文化辅导(3)
  • EDCO 6683团体辅导理论(3)
  • 辅导技巧与技巧(3)
  • edco6673团体辅导实习课程(3)
  • edco6930个别辅导实习课程I (3)
  • EDCO 6130基于优势的课堂管理(3) 如果需要
  • EDCO 6931个别辅导实习课程II (3)
  • 特殊教育:课程与方法(3)
  • EDCO 6672 K-12学校综合辅导(3)
  • EDCO 6681 K-12背景下的家庭倡导(3)
  • EDCO 6901心理咨询中的诊断与治疗(3)
  • EDCO 6902药物滥用辅导(3)
  • EDCO 6903家庭系统理论与咨询(3)


的 goal of the 教育块 is to provide the non-certified teacher with practical experience in a school and the opportunity to learn about the life and issues of a classroom teacher. 这也是为了在招聘过程中为你提供更多的可信度.

的 教育块 consists of 100 hours of work in one classroom where you actively work with students. 的 situation should require only a minimal level of administrative/clerical work and may be a paid or volunteer activity with no course credit attached. 你也可以通过在学校的有薪工作来满足这一要求.g.(如辅助专业人员或助教).

One minimum education class is also required during the 教育块: EDCO 6130 Classroom Management (3 credits). 本课程的目标是实践经验教育.


600小时的实习是至关重要的, integrative experience in which students conduct supervised counseling in a school setting over the course of an entire school year (three quarters). You are expected to begin your work at your internship school site at the beginning of the school year and finish the experience the last week of the K–12 school year.

This internship’s primary objective is the provision of practical experiences in the duties and activities of the school counselor. 它需要学生的合作努力, SPU教育学院的教务主管, an approved school district site supervisor who is certified as an ESA school counselor with a minimum of three years’ experience as a school counselor and training in supervision. 符合CACREP辅导员教育项目的标准, 实习时间至少为600小时. 论文选项也是可用的.


A written 综合考试 is required for this program as a tool to help synthesize and apply information gained throughout the course of study. 在线考试包括多项选择题和开放式问题. 


成功完成课程后, you will be recommended to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) for an Initial Educational Staff Associate Certificate in Washington state.  


医校辅导课程一般分为三年, 从夏季学期开始,学习专业核心课程. During the regular academic year, each class meets one night a week, generally from 5:00–7:35 p.m. 在项目的第二年和第三年, 学生需要参加暑期强化课程, 哪一种在四周内每周见面两到四天. 专业核心课程可以在校园内或在线学习. 在前两年,学生每季度可以上两到三节课.





满足成人学习者不断变化的需求, 皇冠体育投注 offers a wide range of 项目 and courses to meet the needs of 今天's professionals. 有竞争力的信贷和项目利率, these personal and professional development opportunities make lifelong learning very affordable. As the largest provider of continuing education credits for teachers in Washington State, SPU's 职业教育中心 关注K-12教育工作者的当前需求.

Courses taken for credit and numbered at the 5000 level are graduate-level courses and are designed primarily with the needs of teachers and other professionals in mind for the purpose of meeting certification, 支持, 地区支付通道要求和其他专业需求. 在某些情况下,这些研究生水平的课程可能被认为满足选修要求.

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在申请助学金之前,你必须先被研究生项目录取. 确保你:

  • Enroll in at least 3 credits (or half-time) toward a 学位 or eligible certificate each quarter.
  • 每年完成并提交联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA).

你可以利用奖学金和贷款. SPU does not have a deadline for graduate financial aid, though earlier is always better than later! 

了解更多有关 FAFSA 以及申请经济援助.

了解更多皇冠体育 奖学金、助学金和贷款 研究生开放.


Students entering the 医学博士在学校辅导 program with an advanced 学位 may take advantage of a second master's benefit at SPU. 通过请愿程序, 学生可以获得三个基础和研究课程的豁免:EDU 6120, EDU 6975, 和EDU 6976. 获得高级学位的学生只需要完成EDU 6085, EDCO 6107, EDCO 6974 in addition to all core ESA certification courses to earn a second master's at SPU. 总共,学生可以完成认证和第二个硕士学位81学分.


了解更多皇冠体育 行政和其他教育学院项目费用.




这因程序而异. 一些项目的录取,比如 数学和科学教学速成硕士 (AMTMS), 教学艺术加速硕士 (还) 医学博士在学校辅导中国的竞争非常激烈. SPU的每个教育研究生课程的录取都是基于标准的, 所有申请者必须符合所有入学标准.

Can I continue to work while enrolled in a graduate 学位 program in the SPU 教育学院?

是的,在大多数情况下. 教育学院提供的大多数研究生学位课程都是兼职课程, 在各种员工友好的场所提供课程. 教育研究生课程安排在SPU或校外, 在晚上, 偶尔在星期六, 在夏天.

的 加速文学硕士教学 (还) 数学和科学教学速成硕士 (AMTMS)程序是例外. 因为是全职实习,所以是一年制的全日制项目.


教育学院提供几个完全在线的课程,包括 AMAT-OnlineAMTMS-Online数字教育领导教师领导能力 项目. 请查看项目页面了解资格要求.

Is a graduate program at SPU more expensive than comparable education 项目 at other universities?


How does a graduate 学位 or graduate certificate from SPU compare with a similar 学位 or certificate from other universities?

SPU's 教育学院 has been offering a wide range of fully accredited master's and doctoral 学位s in addition to graduate certificates for more than 20 years. SPU在华盛顿和全国的P-12教育中享有很高的声誉, students who complete our graduate 学位 and certificate 项目 enjoy a higher rate of employment than the state's average.
